Treasure hunters in Florida have found $4.5 million in rare Spanish coins, which is hard to explain.

Florida treasure hunters made an extraordinary discovery of a trove of Spanish gold coins worth $4.5 million, exactly 300 years to the day after a fleet of ships sank in a hurricane while en route from Havana to Spain. The salvage owner, Brent Brisben, reported that the 350 coins found on July 30 included nine rare pieces known as royal eight escudos, which were intended for transport to the King of Spain. Brisben’s company, 1715 Fleet – Queens Jewels, holds the rights to the wreckage. The recovery of the nine royal coins is particularly significant, as only 20 such coins were known to exist prior to this find. The coins were discovered in shallow waters off Vero Beach, Florida, near a previous discovery site. The haul is part of the treasure transported by the Spanish galleons that sank in a hurricane on the same day in 1715.

Six royal gold coins recovered from a Spanish shipwreck near Florida.

The crew, led by William Bartlett, used the boat’s propeller to create an opening in the sandy ocean floor, reaching bedrock eight feet (2.4 meters) down during the five-day salvage operation. Bartlett, a Pompano Beach kitchen and bathroom remodeler, emphasized that he pursued treasure hunting as a hobby rather than for monetary gain.

He did not disclose the financial details of his contract with 1715 Fleet-Queens Jewels. Florida treasure hunters typically work under contract with the company, receiving a percentage of their find after the state of Florida claims its 20% share. The legal custodianship of the sunken fleet was acquired by the company from the heirs of renowned treasure hunter Mel Fisher.


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