Watch Jets QB Zach Wilson Light Up The Driving Range

The 2021 NFL season is over and the New York Jets are once again on the outside looking in via postseason action. Although players would rather be competing for championships, quarterback Zach Wilson took his talent to the driving range, instead.

Zach Wilson, New York Jets

Wilson spent the night out at Top Golf back in Utah with some friends, including former BYU teammates, per his Instagram Story. It’s evident that his arm talent works just as well with a golf club as it does with a football.

Perhaps it’s never too soon to practice for life after football?

Zach lets loose with a driver and hits a shot that looks awfully professional. Despite a very impressive effort, Wilson captions the video, “I’m gonna stick to football … ”

Regardless, the shot was a casual missile into the night.

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This isn’t the first time Wilson has been seen with a club in hand.

Ahead of the 2021 NFL draft, Wilson teamed up with Los Angeles Chargers’ quarterback Justin Herbert to take on Indianapolis Colts’ receivers Michael Pittman and Dezmon Patmon for a two-on-two match on the links.

[embedded content]In the end, Herbert and Wilson came out on top, but the round wasn’t as pretty as Wilson’s latest exhibition might suggest. Both sides shared plenty of mulligans and plenty of whiffs—something they work to leave on the course and not take to with them to their careers.

Wilson recently hinted at a short break following the end of the season but said it wouldn’t be long before he would be “back in the lab.” Zach played through lots of adversity for a rookie—much of it to be expected—and has definitely earned some time off from his latter performances of the year.

Expectations are high for Wilson heading into his sophomore season, as the Jets look to become relevant again in December and push for a playoff position.

Wilson will play a large part in making or breaking that goal, but for now, he can mentally reset in Utah for what lies ahead in Florham Park.

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Next Article: Zach Wilson’s NFL-leading mark in key stat sends clear message to Jets

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