Emotional Moments Unfold: Brittany Mahomes Tears Up as Kayla Nicole, Travis Kelce’s Ex-Girlfriend, Throws Her a Surprise Birthday Party

I cried" - Brittany Mahomes gets emotional as Kayla Nicole and girls crew throw  surprise birthday party

Brittany Mahomes‘ social life is often there for all to see on social media and the latest major happening in her life was witnessed by thousands of fans.

The wife of Kansas City Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes was moved to tears when she was given a surprise birthday party, which was created by Kayla Nicole and her other friends.

Brittany‘s birthday is actually not until September 1 but the early party came this weekend as her friends seek to make the most of the event.

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Nicole, the ex-partner of Travis Kelce, shared an Instagram post with the caption: “Surprising our birthday girl.” The first image was of Brittany gasping and covering her mouth in shock. She later posted the same image, saying that she cried amidst the surprise.

Brittany Mahomes cries as Travis Kelce's ex-girlfriend Kayla Nicole throws  her a surprise birthday party | Marca

There was also posts from Nicole of the whole group at the party with the caption: “A special bday surprise for a special girl”.

Fans have been thrilled to see Nicole and Mahomes remain such close friends despite there being a time when they could have been split apart from one another.

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Kelce is the tight end for the Kansas City Chiefs and maintains a friendship with Patrick Mahomes. The split between Nicole and Kelce could have led to a rift between all involved, but Brittany and Kayla have remained close friends.

It is going to be busy month for the Mahomes family because Patrick actually also has his birthday in September, coming on the 17th. It is also when the NFL season is going to be getting underway and life will change again after a summer of Patrick being home.

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