Colin Cowherd Claims Aaron Rodgers Has A Low Football IQ

Aaron Rodgers at MetLife.

FOX Sports 1’s Colin Cowherd has never been one to pull punches when it comes to Aaron Rodgers.

And on Wednesday’s show, the syndicated radio host took a shot at the Jets’ QB for his decision to leave Green Bay for New York. Saying he has a “low football IQ” compared to Tom Brady and Matthew Stafford.

Fans reacted to Cowherd’s take on Twitter.

“Colin Cowherd has had it in for the Jets since said Sanchez/Gase would win a Super Bowl and was wrong. His opinion is irrelevant,” a user said.

Colin Cowherd dubs Aaron Rodgers' comeback fiasco as a major 'PR stunt' amid Jets' persistent struggles – FirstSportz

“Rodgers played a total of 4 snaps and Colin decided to evaluate his season based on….Zach Wilson never having been a good QB?” a fan asked.

“If Tom Brady challenged himself and went to a tougher division vs tougher competition on a team that needed a lot of pieces, Colin would be hailing him as a hero until the end of time,” another person commented.

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