CeeDee Lamb’s Girlfriend’s Past Sparks Intrigue, Previously Linked to Atlanta Hawks Star Guard Trae Young

Easily the most talked about moment during the 1st round of the 2020 NFL Draft was CeeDee Lamb not only dropping way out of the top-10, but it was him snatching his phone away from his girlfriend who grabbed it while he was talking on his other phone.

Social media went nuts and eventually found the young lady on Instagram.

Photo: CeeDee Lamb's Girlfriend Posts Message For Cowboys, 47% OFF
To make matters go from shocking to ‘holy crap,’ Crymson Rose was actually in a previous relationship with Trae Young. Yes, Trae Young that plays for the Atlanta Hawks and also went to the University of Oklahoma.

Both of them attended Norman North High School together.

CeeDee Lamb's Girlfriend Crymson Rose (Trae Young's Ex) | Dallas cowboys  football team, Girlfriends, Football coach

It appears that Trae and Crymson dated in high school, went to prom together, but not entirely sure if the relationship continued into college and when it ended. All we know is that she dates Dallas Cowboys WR CeeDee lamb now.

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