Russell Wilson rents out entire Waffle House for Ciara’s birthday: ‘You know my heart’

Ciara and Russell Wilson posing with a Waffle House menu.
Russell Wilson rented out an entire Waffle House for his wife Ciara’s birthday.ciara/Instagram

She’s not too good for the all-star special.

Russell Wilson rented out an entire Waffle House for his wife, Ciara, in honor of her 38th birthday on Wednesday.

On Thursday, the “Goodies” singer shared an Instagram reel of the couple celebrating her big day at the beloved restaurant chain.

“Waffle & a Date…You know my heart Baby!” she captioned the post. “I love you so much @DangeRussWilson! #WaffleHouse #BDAY 🧇️🤟🥰.”

In the clip, Ciara — who is currently pregnant with the pair’s third child — and Wilson, 34, posed for pictures inside the eatery, which was decorated with white tablecloths, candles, flowers and black and yellow balloons.

Ciara and Russell Wilson posing in Waffle House.
The eatery was decorated with tablecloths, balloons, candles and flowers. ciara/Instagram
Ciara and Russell Wilson smiling at each other in Waffle House.
“Waffle & a Date…You know my heart Baby!” the Grammy winner captioned the post. “I love you so much @DangeRussWilson! #WaffleHouse #BDAY 🧇️🤟🥰.” ciara/Instagram

“This is like next level,” she said in the clip, adding that her “honey” knows how much she “loves Waffle House.”

“I am the happiest girl in the world,” Ciara gushed.

As Wilson and Ciara sat together inside a booth, he said, “I know that pregnant belly of yours wants some waffles and some eggs.”

Waffle House food. 7
Ciara shared a picture of her meal, which included hashbrowns with cheese and a grilled chicken sandwich. ciara/Instagram
Ciara and Russell Wilson sitting in a Waffle House. 7
The “Goodies” singer also blew out the candles on her donut cake. ciara/Instagram

Near the end of the video, a waiter brought a plate filled with an assortment of donuts to the birthday girl so she could blow out her candles as everyone sang “Happy Birthday” to her.

Fans gushed over the Denver Broncos quarterback’s sweet gesture in Ciara’s Instagram comments.

“I love it when a man pays attention to what makes his Queen happy! And Russ is the best at it. Just look at how CiCi is lit up! 🥰,” wrote one user.

A Waffle House.
“I am the happiest girl in the world,” she gushed. ciara/Instagram

“I was sure before but I’m beyond sure now that you are THE luckiest girl in the world ️ Wow. To be loved like this ,” added another.

“This is soooo Sweet!! I don’t care what anybody says if you live in ATL you eat Waffle House!! Love the realness ️️️Happy Birthday Ci Ci🥰️,” commented a third fan.

“Listen!!! It’s not about where he takes you, it’s about the man you’re with!!! Ladies, listen up!!!!” said a fourth user.

A pregnant Ciara and Russell Wilson.
Wilson and Ciara tied the knot in July 2016. dangerusswilson/Instagram
Ciara, Russell Wilson and their kids.
The “How We Roll” is currently pregnant with her fourth child. dangerusswilson/Instagram

Wilson and Ciara tied the knot in July 2016 after a year of dating and a vow of celibacy until marriage.

They welcomed daughter Sienna, now 6, and son Win, now 3, in April 2017 and July 2020, respectively.

The “How We Roll” singer is also mom to son Future Zahir, 9, whom she shares with ex-fiancée Future.

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