Patrick Willis celebrates sacking a giant snake at his home with a pellet gun. (Photo: Patrick Willis/Facebook)
San Francisco 49ers linebacker Patrick Willis channeled his best Samuel L. Jackson in Snakes on a Plane, posting a photo on Facebook Sunday of a large bloodied gopher snake on his property that he apparently shot with a pellet gun.

“Never a dull moment,” Willis posted. “I had an intruder in my house welcome to the hills……. Got em”
As one would anticipate, Willis’ post quickly devolved into a political argument, with over 2,000 people weighing in with opinions like “u go patrick , a snake is a snake KILLLLLL KILLLL” to ” Are you out of your mind, Patrick? What a freaking idiot. You are a sickening human being.”
And how would the edited version of Jackson respond to such chatter?