“Ageless Love: Celebrating the Joyful Arrival of a First Child for a 50-Year-Old Mother and 61-Year-Old Father”

She is Our Miracle Baby : A 50-year-οld first-time mοther aпd a 61-year-οld father welcοme a baby girl

In the autumn of this year, a 50-year-old woman gave birth via C-section to her first child, a baby girl, and her 61-year-old spouse became a full-time father.ny


Susie and Tony Troxler of High Point, North Carolina had been attempting to conceive for more than a decade before turning to egg donation and IVF, which resulted in the birth of Lily Antonia Troxler on September 29.

Susie, a psychologist, stated in a Cone Health press release, “It was so unreal.” Everything was in place for that moment to occur. It is difficult to comprehend that we are no longer just husband and wife, but also “mommy” and “daddy.”ny


Susie, 50, and Tony Troxler, 61, of High Point, North Carolina, gave birth to Lily Antonia Troxler on September 29 via scheduled C-section.


They had been attempting to conceive since their marriage 13 years prior. They attempted naturally because “when we were growing up, nobody even discussed IVF.”

Susie was in her late 30s and Tony was in his late 40s when they got married, and they thought it would be no problem to have a child.

She told Good Morning America, “When we got married, we assumed we would become pregnant, but that did not occur.”

“However, we are both very traditional, and when we were growing up, nobody even contemplated IVF [in vitro fertilization]. It was absolutely nothing.

Three years ago, when she went to a new OBGYN for an exam, she was asked a question she had never been asked previously.

Near the conclusion of her appointment, Dr. Harraway-Smith inquired, “Is there anything else?” If she had not posed that query, this child would likely not exist.


Three years ago, at a checkup with a new OB-GYN, she was asked if she had any queries and brought up her desire to procreate.


She and Tony began IVF and then turned to egg donation when none of their embryos were viable.

Dr. Carolyn Haraway-Smith stated, “I was dismayed to hear her say that no one had ever asked them about their fertility options or provided them with such information.”

Due to Susie’s age, Dr. Harraway-Smith knew they had a’short window’ to conceive, so she referred her to a reproductive endocrinologist.

This doctor diagnosed her with fibroids, which are typically benign muscular masses on the uterine wall. Susie underwent surgery to remove them, but was told she would still be unable to conceive naturally.

Therefore, they attempted IVF, but were unable to create a viable embryo. Next, they turned to egg donation; the first embryo transfer occurred in late 2019; however, it was unsuccessful.

The pandemic halted their plans, but in February of this year, they successfully transmitted their last viable embryo.


They characterize becoming parents as “unreal” and insist, “We knew it was going to happen regardless of how.”


‘Children arrive at the appointed time, regardless of their parents’ ages. We view the situation as if it were precisely as it was intended. She is our miraculous child. Susie said

Susie’s ‘fairly uneventful’ pregnancy ended on September 29 with a scheduled C-section, during which she murmured a gospel song.

Tony stated in a press release, “We always knew we would have children.” We did not give up. We had faith in this. We had visions of her. Regardless of the manner in which it would occur, we knew it would occur.d

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