“From Myths to Reality: Exploring the Challenges Confronted by the ‘Werewolf Family’ Due to Body Hair Stigma”

In a small village tucked away in the heart of rural India, a heart-wrenching tale of prejudice and misunderstanding unfolds. The protagonist of this story is a young boy, his innocent spirit overshadowed by a cruel label imposed upon him by his community. He is shunned, not for his actions or character, but for an arbitrary physical trait that has led him to be considered a “werewolf.”

A BABY boy covered in thick black hair is the latest member of a ‘werewolf family’.

The unnamed tot’s arms, face and back are covered in a layer of thick black hair that will coarsen as he gets older.


And new mother Manisha Sambhaji Raut, 22, from, Pune, central India, is heartbroken that her son has inherited the same genetic condition that has blighted her life.

She said: “I always felt disgusted when I saw myself in the mirror and now I wonder how my child will cope with the same trauma.

“My sisters and I were always teased and often nicknamed ghost, bear and monkey. To know my son will also go through the pain and suffering I went through breaks my heart.”

The five-month-old baby boy, yet to be named, has inherited a rare gene which has been passed down from Manisha’s father.

imageThere is no known cure for Werewolf Syndrome, otherwise known as hypertrichosis universalis.It is so rare only one in a billion people are affected.Manisha added: “I was happy when I delivered a baby boy but when I realised he suffered the same syndrome as me I was very upset. I was shattered.“I wondered if I was cursed or if I made a mistake in life and God was punishing me and my son.“But he is my baby and I will love him unconditionally the way my mother took care of me, no matter how he looks.”imageimage

Since then, they met with doctors and found a hair removal cream to use every four days to remove their heavy facial hair.

She added: “My mother-in-law has already forced me to apply the same cream on my son but his skin is too sensitive.“

He is a small baby and is not ready for such creams. He cried in pain as his skin turned red.”Manisha is now determined to ensure her son has a happy childhood and will not be bullied like she and her sisters were.

She continued: “My only wish is that my child will grow up like a normal child.

“We lived a difficult childhood and we were locked away because people couldn’t cope with the way we looked.

“I can only hope people will be different and kinder towards my son.”


Arjun’s parents, heartbroken witnesses to their son’s plight, fight an uphill battle against the entrenched biases of their community. They tirelessly advocate for Arjun’s right to be treated with dignity and respect, regardless of his hair. Yet, their efforts are met with resistance and indifference, a stark reminder of the uphill struggle against the deeply ingrained prejudices that persist within their society.

As Arjun navigates his days, his resilience shines through the darkness that surrounds him. He is a young boy, full of dreams and aspirations, who yearns for acceptance and a chance to prove his worth beyond his appearance. His spirit remains unbroken, his determination unyielding, as he seeks a world that will embrace him for who he is, not for the label unfairly placed upon him.

This tale serves as a poignant reminder of the harsh realities faced by individuals who are unfairly judged and shunned due to circumstances beyond their control. It highlights the importance of empathy, understanding, and challenging societal norms that perpetuate discrimination. As Arjun’s story spreads, may it ignite a spark of compassion that leads to a brighter, more inclusive future for him and countless others who have been marginalized by the narrow lens of prejudice.

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